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8 years ago by Nakaraan Melancholia.
Nakaraan Melancholia
Wow. Falco, a bird from star fox, an actor, and the name of a singer. It's been through a lot. I'd go into the history of this song, but I only know some of it. Kinda a shame, but hey, it was a big hit back in the day. And now I've made up for the day I missed. Whoops. I'll get a proper schedule eventually. Maybe it's the fact that I only post between 11 P.M. And 5 A.M. Nah, couldn't be. ♯falco ♯smashbros ♯rock ♯amadeus ♯german ♯germanrap ♯melancholia ♯itakerequests ♯insertcatchphrasehere ♯needsmorehashtags
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