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3 years ago by Versh.
♯new ♯2022checklist ♯alecbenjamin ♯indiepop ♯altrnb ♯altpop ♯synths ♯synthpop ♯indiepoprock '(Un)commentary' Similar to the late Jeff Hanson 's high pitch falsetto, Alec Benjamin's vocals imbue each track with a unique sensibility. However, Benjamin's lyrics are mostly clichés, further obliviated by the mainstream-trope-heavy production. For example, in "Hammers" after dwelling on the basic metaphor for awhile, there's no turn or greater point to be made, the structure just repeats with extra "Da-da-da-dum, da-da-da-da s." "Meaningless yet well constructed" is perhaps the nicest way to summarize this LP
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