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8 years ago by Nakaraan Melancholia.
Nakaraan Melancholia
Well, what a wonderful thing Mondays are. I don't at all feel sick and mentally unprepared for the week. Lovely. Well, things tend to get better as the week progresses. I feel like I'm in an endless loop. Look forward to the weekend, squander weekend or have fun on weekend, weekend ends, cycle repeats. One day I hope to have a life where the day of the week simply dictates the schedule I have and not whether I'll enjoy the day. A life where Mondays are good. That'll be the day. ♯melancholia ♯monday ♯deathcabforcutie ♯nosunlight ♯narrowstairs ♯toomanywords ♯shrek ♯whyisshrekahashtag
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